Learning Aikido

Aikido is a deep and subtle art, grounded in understanding your opponent and moving with them. It teaches you to find harmony in change and conflict, to harness power without contests of strength.

Studying Aikido

Aikido is a traditional martial art centering around matching your attacker’s energy and redirecting it harmlessly away. Although peaceful in intention, Aikido is a very physical art.

Aikido training is fundamentally about understanding yourself; finding your balance, developing your center and learning how to extend power effortlessly and effectively. All training is conducted with partners; the attacker learns to strike cleanly and retain their balance for as long as possible, while the defender learns to absorb and redirect their energy while finding and breaking their center of balance.

Aikido does not have contests or tournaments; philosophically it is not about dominance but working together to build each other up.

Whatever stage of life you’re at, Aikido can teach you and develop your ability. All that’s needed is to step onto the mat with a beginner’s mind.